Changing the Settings via Actions

The agents may be configured via the actions in the Operations Console.

If the actions are not visible, select 'View''Actions' in the Operations Console. 

Collector Actions

Selecting the Target

To select an object to apply an action to:

Available Actions

Uninstall Components

 This task uninstalls the Integration Kit and the AVIcode SystemCenter LobMapper on the target machine.

When the Collector is rediscovered, the Integration Kit and LobMapper will be reinstalled. 

Set SEViewer Location

Sets the SE-Viewer Server location for the Collector service on the Collector machine and enables the WMI dispatcher.

Recycle Application Pools

 Recycles the application pools on the target computers

Upgrade Components

This task installs the Integration Kit and AVIcode SystemCenter LobMapper on the target machine.

Injector Actions

Selecting the Target

To select an object to apply an action to:

Available Actions

Resume Monitoring Application

This task resumes monitoring of the target application. Restart the application after executing the task.

Pause Monitoring Application

 This task pauses monitoring of the target application. Restart the application after executing the task.

Last update: Thursday, December 09, 2010 09:42:12 AM