This document describes the database schema for the AVIcode Advisor reporting product. The version of AVIcode Advisor that this document applies to is listed in the title and on the page headers. Please note that if you are using a newer release of the product that there may be a newer document describing the database. If you do have a newer product version, please check with AVIcode Technical Support before relying on the information in this document.
This table contains all servers.
Field | Type |
Description |
MACHINEID | identity | Primary key |
MACHINE | nvarchar(255) | Server name |
WINDOWSVERSION | nvarchar(50) | Windows operation system. For example, Win Server 2003 R2 x64 SP 2 |
AGENTVERSION | nvarchar(50) | Version of the Intercept Agent |
CPUCOUNT | int | Number of CPU |
This table contains all applications.
Field | Type |
Description |
SOURCEID | identity | Primary key |
SOURCE | nvarchar(255) | Application name |
This table contains all application groups.
Field | Type |
Description |
APPLICATIONID | identity | Primary key |
APPLICATION | nvarchar(255) | Application group name |
TYPE | int | Const value. It is always equals three. |
This table contains all users.
Field | Type |
Description |
USERID | identity | Primary key |
NAME | nvarchar(255) | User name |
This table contains links between application groups, monitoring applications and servers.
Field | Type | Description |
APPLICATIONSOURCEID | identity | Primary key |
APPLICATIONID | int | Reference to the application group |
SOURCEID | int | Reference to the application |
MACHINEID | int | Reference to the server. |
This table contains IP and subnet addresses.
Field | Type | Description |
IPID | Identity | Primary key |
IP | nvarchar(50) | IP address |
SUBNETS | nvarchar(50) | Subnet address |
The following tables contain information about server monitoring events. The database schema is presented below.
This table contains the server event groups.
Field | Type | Description |
EVENTGROUPID | identity | Primary key |
FIRSTEVENTDATE | datetime | The date and time of the first event with the same problem group |
LASTEVENTDATE | datetime | The date and time of the last event with the same problem group |
EVENTCLASSTYPE | nvarchar(50) | Event class type.
ROOTNODENAME | nvarchar(255) | Root page or method for which the agent has collected the information |
ISNEW | int | Boolean field
ASPECT | nvarchar(50) | Event aspect
HASHVALUE | nvarchar(50) | System field |
This table contains server events.
Field | Type | Description |
EVENTID | identity | Primary key |
EVENTGROUPID | int | Reference to the event group |
RESOURCEID | int | Reference to the resource |
SOURCEID | nvarchar(50) | Reference to the application |
EVENTDURATION | decimal (35,0) | Event duration, microseconds |
MACHINEID | int | Reference to the server |
UTCEVENTDATE | datetime | The date and time when Intercept Monitoring Agent is created the monitoring event |
EVENTCLASSTYPE | nvarchar(50) | Event class type.
ROOTNODENAME | nvarchar(255) | Root page or method for which the agent has collected the information |
ASPECT | nvarchar(50) | Event aspect
EXCEPTIONCLASS | nvarchar(255) | .Net exception type name |
DESCRIPTION | nvarchar(255) | Event description |
CATEGORY | nvarchar(50) | Category type
HEAVYLIGHT | int | Performance event status.
ROWGUID | nvarchar(15) | System field. |
SEVIEWERDBID | int | System field. |
SEVIEWEREGID | int | Original value from SEVIEWER database. Reference to the SEVIEWER EVENTGROUP table. |
IPID | int | Reference to the IP table |
USERID | int | Reference to the USER table |
This table contains detail exception event information.
Field | Type | Description |
EXCEPTIONNODEID | identity | Primary key |
EVENTID | bigint | Reference to the event |
RESOURCEID | int | Reference to the resource |
EXCEPTIONMESSAGE | nvarchar(255) | .Net exception message |
EXCEPTIONCLASS | nvarchar(255) | .Net exception type name |
FUNCTIONNAME | nvarchar (255) | .Net full method name where exception is occurred |
RESOURCEMETHOD | nvarchar(255) | Resource address where exception is occurred. (for Web Service/WCF –service method URI, for SQL Server – Server/Database/Query method, Internal – full function name) |
MODULENAME | nvarchar(255) | The full physical path for .aspx page or .cs module |
LINENUMBER | int | Line number in the module where exception is occurred. |
DESCRIPTION | nvarchar(255) | Exception description |
HASHCODE | nvarchar(255) | System field |
ENTRYID | int | Number of the entry point |
ROWGUID | nvarchar(15) | System field |
This table contains detail performance event information
Field | Type | Description |
PERFORMANCENODEID | identity | Primary key |
EVENTID | bigint | Reference to the event |
RESOURCEID | int | Reference to the resource |
RESOURCEGROUPNODEID | int | Reference to the resource group node. |
DESCRIPTION | nvarchar(255) | Description of the execution tree node that have exceeded a ‘Sensitivity threshold’. |
FUNCTIONNAME | nvarchar (255) | .Net full method name where performance issue is occurred |
RESOURCEMETHOD | nvarchar(255) | Resource address where performance issue is occurred. (for Web Service/WCF –service method URI, for SQL Server – Server/Database/Query method, Internal – full function name) |
DURATION | decimal(35,0) | Total duration of execution tree node including descendant nodes, ms. |
HASHCODE | nvarchar(255) | System field |
ENTRYID | int | Number of the entry point. |
SELFDURATION | decimal(35,0) | Duration of execution resource method itself excluding descendant nodes, ms. |
ROWGUID | nvarchar(15) | System field |
This table contains types of server resources.
Field | Type |
Description |
RESOURCEGROUPID | identity | Primary key |
NAME | nvarchar(255) | Resource name. For example, Database or WebService |
This table contains all resources.
Field | Type |
Description |
RESOURCEID | identity | Primary key |
RESOURCEGROUPID | int | Reference to the resource group |
SOURCEID | int | Reference to the application |
RESOURCEURIFORMAT | nvarchar(255) | Reserved. |
RESOURCEURI | nvarchar(255) | Resource URI. |
This table contains detailed resource group information for the performance events
Field | Type | Description |
RESOURCEGROUPNODEID | identity | Primary key |
EVENTID | bigint | Reference to the event |
RESOURCEGROUPID | int | Reference to the resource group |
DURATION | bigint | Total resource calls execution time for this resource group, ms |
CALLCOUNT | Int | Number of resource calls |
The following tables contain information about client monitoring events. The database schema is presented below.
This table contains the client event groups.
Field | Type | Description |
CSEVENTGROUPID | identity | Primary key |
FIRSTEVENTDATE | datetime | The date and time of the first event with the same problem group |
LASTEVENTDATE | datetime | The date and time of the last event with the same problem group |
HASHVALUE | nvarchar(50) | System field |
This table contains client events.
Field | Type | Description |
CSEVENTID | identity | Primary key |
CSEVENTGROUPID | int | Reference to the client event group |
SOURCEID | int | Reference to the application |
MACHINEID | int | Reference to the server |
IPID | int | Reference to the IP table |
CLASSTYPE | nvarchar(50) | Event class type.
EVENTCLASS | nvarchar(50) | Event monitoring type
PAGEURI | nvarchar(255) | Page request URI |
DESCRIPTION | nvarchar(255) | Event description |
BROWSER | nvarchar(255) | Browser agent |
UTCDATE | datetime | The date and time when Intercept Monitoring Agent is created the monitoring event |
ROWGUID | nvarchar(15) | System field |
SEVIEWERDBID | int | System field |
SEVIEWEREGID | int | Original value from SEVIEWER database. Reference to the SEVIEWER EVENTGROUP table. |
USERID | int | Reference to the USER table |
This table contains client exception events
Field | Type | Description |
CSEXEVENTID | identity | Primary key |
CSEVENTID | int | Reference to the client event |
ACTION | nvarchar(255) | Page request with query parameters or JavaScript method where exception is occurred |
EXMESSAGE | nvarchar(255) | JavaScript exception message |
EXTYPE | nvarchar(255) | Constant value (‘ASP.Net Web Page Client Side Exception’) |
EXFUNCTION | nvarchar(255) | JavaScript function name where error is occurred |
ROWGUID | nvarchar(15) | System field |
This table contains detailed information on page loading
Field | Type | Description |
CSPAGEEVENTID | identity | Primary key |
CSEVENTID | int | Reference to the client event |
NETWORKTIME | decimal(35,0) | Network time including redirect time from one page to another, ms |
SERVERTIME | decimal(35,0) | Server processing time, ms |
DOMTIME | decimal(35,0) | DOM loading time including scripts loading time, ms |
PERIPHERALTIME | decimal(35,0) | Resources time loading (images, styles, etc). It calculated after DOM loading event and before window onload event, ms |
ONLOADTIME | decimal(35,0) | Execution time of the window on load event, ms |
TOTALTIME | decimal(35,0) | Total page loading time, ms |
TOTALSIZE | bigint | Calculation field. Include images size, css size, script size and html size, byte |
LATENCY | bigint | The network latency time, ms |
This table contains information on page resources
Field | Type | Description |
CSPERIPHERALID | identity | Primary key |
CSEVENTID | int | Reference to the client event |
TYPE | nvarchar(50,0) | Resource type.
TOTALSIZE | bigint | Total size peripheral resources(that have exceeded and not exceeded the threshold), byte |
TOTALTIME | decimal(35,0) | Total time loading of the images that have exceeded the threshold, ms |
This table contains detailed information on page resources
Field | Type | Description |
CSPERIPHERALDETAILID | identity | Primary key |
CSPERIPHERALID | int | Reference to the page resource table |
DOMAIN | nvarchar(255) | The Domain Name System (DNS) host name or IP address of a server |
PATH | nvarchar(255) | Absolute resource query. It includes any delimiters in the original URI up to the query. |
SIZE | bigint | The total size peripheral resources that have exceeded the threshold, byte |
TOTALTIME | decimal(35,0) | The total time loading of the images that have exceeded the threshold, ms |
This table contains information on AJAX CALL execution (synchronous and asynchronous).
Field | Type | Description |
CSAJAXID | identity | Primary key |
CSEVENTID | int | Reference to the client event |
URI | nvarchar(255) | AJAX Request URL |
NETWORKTIME | decimal(35,0) | Network time, ms |
SERVERTIME | decimal(35,0) | Server processing time, ms |
TOTALTIME | decimal(35,0) | Total AJAX CALL time, ms |
REQUESTSIZE | bigint | Request size, byte |
RESPONSESIZE | bigint | Response size, byte |
RESPONSETIME | decimal(35,0) | Response receiving time, ms |
SYNCHRONOUS | bit | Flag
LATENCY | bigint | Latency time, ms |
This table contains detailed information on asynchronous AJAX CALL execution.
Field | Type | Description |
CSASYNCAJAXID | identity | Primary key |
CSEVENTID | int | Reference to the client event |
HANDLERTIME | decimal(35,0) | The callback script execution time, ms |
TOTALTIME | decimal(35,0) | The total AJAX CALL time, ms |
This table contains detailed information on performance client events
Field | Type | Description |
CSHEAVIESTRESOURCEID | identity | Primary key |
CSEVENTID | int | Reference to the client event |
NAME | nvarchar(255,0) | Description of the execution tree node that have exceeded a ‘Sensitivity threshold’. |
DURATION | decimal(35,0) | The total AJAX CALL time, ms |
ROWGUID | nvarchar(15) | System field |
This table contains detailed information on JavaScript execution.
Field |
Type |
Description |
CSJSCRIPTEVENTID | Primary key | |
CSEVENTID | Reference to the client event | |
ACTION | The JavaScript function CALL description. | |
TOTALTIME | The JavaScript execution time, ms |
The following tables contain information about performance counters. The database schema is presented below.
This table contains the types of the performance counters.
Field |
Type |
Description |
PCTYPEID | Identity | Primary key |
TYPE | nvarchar(255) | Performance counter name |
MEASURE | nvarchar(50) | Performance counter measure |
INSTANCEFUNCTION | nvarchar(50) | Function for ‘between instances’ aggregation |
DATEFUNCTION | nvarchar(50) | Function for ‘between dates’ aggregation |
This table contains description performance counters
Field | Type | Description |
PCDESCRIPTIONID | Identity | Primary key |
NAME | nvarchar(255) | Performance counter name |
DECSRIPTION | ntext | Description |
This table contains processes and application pools.
Field | Type | Description |
PCPROCESSID | identity | Primary key |
PROCESS | nvarchar(255) | Process name |
EXTRATYPE | int | Process type
EXTRAINFO | nvarchar(255) | Application pool for Web Application or BizTalk host name for BizTalk application. It is null for desktop and service applications. |
HASHVALUE | nvarchar(50) | System field |
This table contains aggregate information about performance counters
Field | Type | Description |
PERFHOURLYID | identity | Primary key |
PCTYPEID | int | Reference to the type of the performance counter |
MACHINEID | int | Reference to the server |
SOURCEID | int | Reference to the application. |
PCPROCESSID | int | Reference to the process |
IS_STATE | int | Flag
UTCDATE | datetime | The date and time when Intercept Monitoring Agent is created the package of performance counters allowing by hour |
AVERAGEVALUE | float | AVG value by hour |
MINVALUE | float | MIN value by hour |
MAXVALUE | float | MAX value by hour |
SAMPLECOUNT | bigint | COUNT value by hour |
SUMVALUE | float | SUM value by hour |
PACKAGECOUNTER | bigint | The number of packages of performance counters by hour |
HASHVALUE | nvarchar(50) | System field |
Last update: Thursday, December 09, 2010 02:04:14 PM