In the Windows® Assessment Console, you can run a job on the local computer or package the job to run on another computer. When you package a job to run on another computer, all the files that the job must include are stored in an empty folder that you specify. When you take that folder to another computer, you can use the RunJob.cmd file in the folder to run the job without installing the Windows Assessment Toolkit.

Run a Job on the Local Computer

  1. In the Windows Assessment Console, create or open a job. For more information about how to create a new job, open a job, or reconfigure a job, see Jobs.

  2. Click Run.

  3. If the User Access Control dialog box appears, click Yes.

  4. If the Microsoft Assessment Launcher window appears, you can cancel the job or click Details to monitor the progress of the job.

  5. Before the job starts, the job checks the computer configuration to make sure that the assessments can run successfully. The job generates error messages, warnings, and informational messages based on the computer configuration and the needs of the assessment. If you are running the job silently, the job logs the notifications. Otherwise, the notifications appear in the Assessment Launcher dialog box, as follows:

    • Errors block the start of the job. Error messages appear when the job finds a problem with the computer hardware or configuration that must be fixed before the job can continue. The Start button is not available in the dialog box if an error message appears. After you fix blocking errors, you can click Refresh to check the computer again and continue the job.

    • Warnings appear when the job finds a problem that does not block running the job, but may influence the results. You can review the warnings and take action, or ignore the warnings and click Start.

    • Informational messages provide additional instructions or information about actions that will be taken when the job runs. After you’ve read the information, click Start to begin the job.

    Click the chevron (>) to view additional details about any message that appears in the Microsoft Assessment Launcher window.

Package a Job to Run on Another Computer

  1. In the Windows Assessment Console, create or open a job. For more information about how to create a new job, open a job, or reconfigure a job, see Jobs.

  2. Click Package. The Package a Job to Run on Another Computer window appears.

  3. In the Package path box, select Browse. The Choose a Folder for the Package dialog box opens.

  4. Locate an existing empty folder or create a folder that you want to store the job in. This can be on the local computer, a network share, or removable media such as a USB flash drive.

  5. Click Select Folder. The configured path appears in the Package Job window.

  6. In the Results path box, a relative path to a results folder appears by default. You can select Browse to open the Choose Results Folder dialog box and select a different location for the results.

  7. Click OK. The package content includes everything that the job must include to run on another computer, even if the Windows Assessment Console is not installed on that computer.

After you package the job, the location where you stored the job opens. You can copy the folder to another computer and run the job by double-clicking the RunJob.cmd file that is in the folder. If you use a packaged job, you do not have to install the Windows Assessment Console on the computer that you want to test.

Run a Packaged Job on Another Computer

  1. Copy the folder that contains the packaged job to a location on the local computer on which you want to run the job.

    A packaged job can run from a network share, but for best results run the job from the local computer to reduce run-time failures, or performance issues caused by the network.
  2. Open the folder, and then double-click the RunJob.cmd file.

  3. In the User Access Control window, click Yes.

  4. In the Assessment Launcher window, add run notes.

  5. In the Results path text box, type the location where you want to store the results. By default, this is the relative path of a \Results folder in the same location where the job runs.

  6. Click Run Job on this Machine.

In the Assessment Launcher window, you can monitor the progress of the job, stop the job, or click Details for more information about the job progress and errors. When the job finishes successfully, you can access the results at the location that you specified by using the Windows Assessment Console. Or, you can transport the results to another computer on which the Windows Assessment Toolkit is installed and open the results in the Windows Assessment Console for comparison purposes. See Results for information about how to import results after you run a packaged job.

See Also