The Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) Community uses the Microsoft® Compatibility Exchange to share compatibility ratings between all registered ACT Community members.
When you access the Microsoft Compatibility Exchange as a registered ACT Community member, you can upload your compatibility data to the community and download issues from other ACT Community members. For information about how compatibility ratings are entered, see Selecting Your Compatibility Rating.
ACT takes your information and combines it with all of the information provided by the other ACT Community users and shows the average rating as a color gradient from one to five bars.

Process for Synchronizing Compatibility Ratings
The following diagram shows the process for synchronizing compatibility ratings with the ACT Community.
You have the option to exclude applications from being shared with the Microsoft Compatibility Exchange. However, you will not get compatibility ratings from the ACT Community for any application that you exclude. For more information, see Sending and Receiving Compatibility Data.